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The Export module helps in exporting the code to script files.

using PlutoTest

Lower Level Entities(Structs, methods etc.)

These are the objects on which nbdev's Export module was built. You can use it to extend nbdev but these are automtically used by Nbdev's internal engine to generate code files for you.

Nucleus type

Nucleus(code)–>Getter for accessing the constructer of the Nucleus type


Every time a code cell is parsed, it gets stored as a Nucleus type. The stored code can then be accessed using the code field in the Nucleus type.


Any["Nucleus", Any[(:code, ("\"a=1+1\"", MIME type text/plain))], :struct, "Nucleus", "9c5b9f1cb48d342b"]
@test n.code == "a=1+1"

Nb type

struct Nb–> a notebook having nuclei made up of code cells only.

  • Fields:

    • nuclei–> Array of Nucleus type
    • name–> name of notebook


nuclei(nuclei::Array)–> Helper to collect an array of Nucleus.


nuclei(nuclei::Array)–> Helper to collect an name of a notebook.


A Nb type is used to collect all code cells(which are contained in the Nucleus type. These code cells are actual code represented as string.


samplecodes=[Nucleus("a=1+1"), Nucleus("function test(x)  x+1 end"), Nucleus("test(2)")]
Any["Main.workspace#4.Nucleus", Tuple{Int64, Any}[(1, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"a=1+1\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "d158a468cc7dd7e7"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (2, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"function test(x)  x+1 end\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "e82ab27c6d1e65c"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (3, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"test(2)\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "4bb821bb413cd32e"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :Array, "", "7c720a4f9e78775a"]
nb=Nb(samplecodes, "testnb.jl")
Any["Nb", Any[(:nuclei, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Main.workspace#4.Nucleus", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[(1, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"a=1+1\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "d158a468cc7dd7e7"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (2, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"function test(x)  x+1 end\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "e82ab27c6d1e65c"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (3, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"test(2)\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "4bb821bb413cd32e"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "7c720a4f9e78775a"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:name, ("\"testnb.jl\"", MIME type text/plain))], :struct, "Nb", "ceed878b4211d5c8"]
@test nb.nuclei == samplecodes

@test == "testnb.jl"

collectnuclei(notebook::Scrubbednb, marker)–> Reads a notebook, collects code from code cells and returns an array of Nucelus.


collect_nuclei(notebook::ScrubbedNotebook, marker) reads the entire notebook cell by cell and then checks if the content of that cell starts with a marker, only then it builds an array of the Nucleus type.


loadscrubbednb(io, path)::Scrubbednb–> These are modification of the Pluto.load_notebook methods. Scrubs the notebook of all stuff but the code to be exported.


loadscrubbednb reads the notebook in the given path cell by cell, while ignoring the stuffs in the notebook like the cell order delimeters and the cell start delimeter. The result is a ScrubbedNotebook type which contains only the code which you intend to export.

High Level APIs

This too are called automatically by Nbdev.


loadnb(filename::String, marker::String)–> High level function which calls loadnb


loadnb(filename::String, marker::String)–> creates a scrubbed notebook and returns a curated Nb type having code to be exported.



testnb= loadnb("01_export.jl", "#export")
Any["Nb", Any[(:nuclei, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Main.workspace#4.Nucleus", :elements => Any[(1, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\nimport Pluto: Notebook, Cell, load_notebook_nobackup\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "5342514a49d27ca0"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (2, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\nbegin\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n> struct Nucleus--> This is the lowest entity of a code notebook. This type represents the code cell in a Pluto notebook.\\n> * Fields:\\n>   * code--> String which makes up a code cell\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nBase.@kwdef mutable struct Nucleus\\n\\tcode::String=\\\"\\\"\\n\\tend\\n\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n> Nucleus(code)-->Getter for accessing the constructer of the Nucleus type\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nnucleus(code) = Nucleus(code = code)\\nend\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "68cba21d74e51cf2"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (3, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\nbegin\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n> struct Nb--> a notebook having nuclei made up of code cells only.\\n> * Fields:\\n>   * nuclei--> Array of Nucleus type\\n>   * name--> name of notebook\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nmutable struct Nb\\n\\tnuclei::Array{Nucleus,1}\\n\\tname::AbstractString\\nend\\n\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n> nuclei(nuclei::Array)--> Helper to collect an array of Nucleus.\\t\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nnuclei(nuclei::Array) = nuclei\\n\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n> nuclei(nuclei::Array)--> Helper to collect an name of a notebook.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nname(name::AbstractString) = name\\nend\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "8a8f00fd386be909"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (4, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\nbegin\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nHeaders that would appear in a code file\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nconst header = \\\"### A Nbdev script file ###\\\"\\nconst subheader = \\\"### Autogenerated file. Don't modify. ###\\\"\\nend\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "2cb8115cfcbe050a"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (5, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nThis had to be done because having the cell iddelimeter as a constant gives an error during parsing the notebook\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\ncelliddelim=string(\\\"#\\\",\\\" ╔═╡ \\\")\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "280e2b5284fa853"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (6, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nmarks the end of a cell\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nconst cellsuff = \\\"\\\\n\\\\n\\\"\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "c896ba64347b56ba"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (7, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n> struct Scrubbednb--> Represents a notebook from which all but code to be exported are scrubbed off.\\n> * Fields-->\\n>   * cells--> Vector of strings.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nmutable struct Scrubbednb\\n\\tcells::Array{String, 1}\\nend\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "f2f55cae09389a9d"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (8, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n> collectnuclei(notebook::Scrubbednb, marker)--> Reads a notebook, collects code from code cells and returns an array of Nucelus.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfunction collectnuclei(nb::Scrubbednb, marker)\\n\\tnbcells=nb.cells\\n\\tnuclei=[]\\n\\t\\t\\n    for i in 1:length(nbcells)\\n    \\traw_code=nbcells[i]\\n    \\tnucleus=Nucleus(raw_code)\\n    \\t\\n    \\tif startswith(raw_code, marker)\\n            push!(nuclei,nucleus)\\n        end\\n    \\t\\n    end\\n\\t nuclei\\nend\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "cd0480153d56e5b0"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (9, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\nbegin\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n>loadscrubbednb(io, path)::Scrubbednb--> These are modification of the Pluto.load_notebook methods. Scrubs the notebook of all stuff but the code to be exported.\\n\\\"\\\"\\\"\\nfunction loadscrubbednb(io, path)::Scrubbednb\\n    collectedcells = []\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t# ignore first bits of file\\n    readuntil(io,celliddelim)\\n\\n    last_read = \\\"\\\"\\n    while !eof(io)\\n        cellidstr = String(readline(io))\\n        if cellidstr == \\\"Cell order:\\\"\\n            break\\n        else\\n            rawcode = String(readuntil(io, celliddelim))\\n            # change Windows line endings to Linux\\n            normalisedcode = replace(rawcode, \\\"\\\\r\\\\n\\\" => \\\"\\\\n\\\")\\n            # remove the cell appendix\\n            code = normalisedcode[1:prevind(normalisedcode, end, length(cellsuff))]\\n\\n            readcell = code\\n            push!(collectedcells, readcell)\\n        end\\n    end\\n\\t\\t\\n\\tScrubbednb(collectedcells)\\nend\\n\\t\\nfunction loadscrubbednb(path::String)::Scrubbednb\\n    local loaded\\n    open(path, \\\"r\\\") do io\\n        loaded = loadscrubbednb(io, path)\\n    end\\n    loaded\\nend\\nend\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "a50cf188ed67c684"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), "more", (18, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Nucleus", :elements => Any[(:code, ("\"#export\\nexport notebook2script\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Nucleus", :objectid => "89a791483600df1b"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "10ceda263061fd"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:name, ("\"01_export.jl\"", MIME type text/plain))], :struct, "Nb", "2126f5d7e906cd28"]
@test testnb.nuclei[1].code == "#export\nimport Pluto: Notebook, Cell, load_notebook_nobackup"

something to save files


strip –> Helper fucntion to replace a substring y in a string x with blank.


fn = "01_export.jl"
@test uppercasefirst(strip(strip(fn, r"[0-9_]"), r".jl")) == "Export"


To export the required code, the following scenarios must be considered.

👉 Check if the file is in the src directory. If it's there then overwrite it.

👉 If it's not there then create and then write.

savenb(io, nb)–> Reads the supplied notebook and creates an io and writes stuffs like the module name and the content to the created io.


savenb(nb::Nb, path::String)–> Creates a file in the supplied path with the name in the NB type.



readfilenames(nbsdir::String)–> Reads files in the directory and subdirectories in the given path. Reads only the files with .jl\ extension



expected_list = ["..\\nbs\\00_nbdev.jl",
Any["String", Tuple{Int64, Any}[(1, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\00_nbdev.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (2, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\01_export.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (3, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\02_documenter.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (4, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\03_codeRunner.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (5, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\04_makedocs.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (6, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\05_make.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (7, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\06_common.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (8, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\developerguide.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (9, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\index.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (10, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\styleguide.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (11, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\tutorial.jl\"", MIME type text/plain))], :Array, "", "23e017f969fac20f"]
readfilenames(joinpath("..", "nbs"))
Any["Any", Tuple{Int64, Any}[(1, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\00_nbdev.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (2, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\01_export.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (3, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\02_documenter.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (4, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\03_codeRunner.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (5, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\04_make.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (6, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\05_common.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (7, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\developerguide.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (8, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\index.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (9, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\styleguide.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (10, ("\"..\\\\nbs\\\\tutorial.jl\"", MIME type text/plain))], :Array, "", "7006c9f7fee7907f"]
@test readfilenames(joinpath("..", "nbs")) == expected_list


exportfile(f::String, srcdir::String, marker::String)–> Loads the file in the supplied path and reads the cells which are marked with #export. Then saves the notebook in the given path



exportcontent(fns::AbstractVector, srcdir::String, marker::String)–> maps the export_file function to each files



getfileextension(fn)–> get the file extensions in the pwd



 @test getfileextension("test.jl") == ".jl"


notebook2script(nbsdir::String, srcdir::String)–> Export all the code from the provided notebook directory to the given source directory


notebook2script can be called from a notebook which you intend to export. Usually in the last cell of that notebook

notebook2script(joinpath("..", "nbs"), joinpath("..", "src"))
Any["Nothing", Tuple{Int64, Any}[(1, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (2, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (3, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (4, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (5, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (6, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (7, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (8, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (9, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (10, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain))], :Array, "", "2a0906d67f73e881"]