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You need to have something to capture the output. This is useful when you want to have examples or capture test output in the docs.

I think the simplest way to do this is to do the following👇

  • Take a notebook.

  • Create a fake server, fake client etc.

  • Run the notebook cell by cell and update the notebook with the output.

This is taken straight from Pluto's webserver code

using PlutoTest


    notebook = Notebook([
        Cell("x = 1"),
        Cell("y = x"),
        Cell("f(x) = x + y"),

            g(a) = x
            g(a,b) = y      
        Cell("g(6) + g(6,6)"),

        Cell("import Distributed"),
Any["Notebook", Any[(:cells_dict, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Base.UUID, Pluto.Cell}", :elements => Any[(("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-0650-39561e495cea\")", MIME type text/plain), (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-0650-39561e495cea\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"begin\\n    g(a) = x\\n    g(a,b) = y      \\nend\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:mime, ("MIME type text/plain", MIME type text/plain)), (:rootassignee, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_run_timestamp, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:persist_js_state, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:has_pluto_hook_features, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellOutput", :objectid => "5b7305c79d4f4b3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:queued, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:running, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:published_objects, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "bccbbc38fc8956a7"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:logs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "79993d59f624574a"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:errored, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:runtime, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:cell_dependencies, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellDependencies{Cell}", :elements => Any[(:downstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "fda7535bfe405ce8"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:upstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "272d3c5fd14c32bf"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:precedence_heuristic, ("99", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellDependencies", :objectid => "744000b605cd5396"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:running_disabled, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:depends_on_disabled_cells, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Cell", :objectid => "35e0b40070a4d314"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-29d3-09518b668235\")", MIME type text/plain), (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-29d3-09518b668235\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"g(6) + g(6,6)\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:mime, ("MIME type text/plain", MIME type text/plain)), (:rootassignee, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_run_timestamp, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:persist_js_state, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:has_pluto_hook_features, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellOutput", :objectid => "5b7305c79d4f4b3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:queued, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:running, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:published_objects, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "f595e353ee1d7efc"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:logs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "af88bb16e203336f"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:errored, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:runtime, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:cell_dependencies, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellDependencies{Cell}", :elements => Any[(:downstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "15837b24adf8b099"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:upstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "4a49eb581785935f"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:precedence_heuristic, ("99", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellDependencies", :objectid => "7f330f0b2f575cb7"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:running_disabled, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:depends_on_disabled_cells, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Cell", :objectid => "b2b106e6ea4577c3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-10d9-918f8a9a11ce\")", MIME type text/plain), (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-10d9-918f8a9a11ce\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"f(4)\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:mime, ("MIME type text/plain", MIME type text/plain)), (:rootassignee, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_run_timestamp, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:persist_js_state, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:has_pluto_hook_features, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellOutput", :objectid => "5b7305c79d4f4b3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:queued, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:running, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:published_objects, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "5f69d97541c58635"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:logs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "5736c635315f64e1"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:errored, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:runtime, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:cell_dependencies, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellDependencies{Cell}", :elements => Any[(:downstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "86c7a6d990812599"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:upstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "cfa6c8d6a23f6bf2"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:precedence_heuristic, ("99", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellDependencies", :objectid => "34bf1a8d10e87cc1"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:running_disabled, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:depends_on_disabled_cells, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Cell", :objectid => "36f74d69f2d22443"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-2628-ad5a1313cf64\")", MIME type text/plain), (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-2628-ad5a1313cf64\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"Distributed.myid()\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:mime, ("MIME type text/plain", MIME type text/plain)), (:rootassignee, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_run_timestamp, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:persist_js_state, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:has_pluto_hook_features, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellOutput", :objectid => "5b7305c79d4f4b3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:queued, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:running, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:published_objects, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "e60f67cacf1093fe"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:logs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "9f4e9de2c18f068b"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:errored, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:runtime, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:cell_dependencies, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellDependencies{Cell}", :elements => Any[(:downstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "8e141ccb9f1a02f1"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:upstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "ba446755f77a98f5"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:precedence_heuristic, ("99", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellDependencies", :objectid => "1e9db388bd3315b4"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:running_disabled, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:depends_on_disabled_cells, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Cell", :objectid => "529e169f2a1fa0b1"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-25eb-351950934271\")", MIME type text/plain), (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-25eb-351950934271\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"import Distributed\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:mime, ("MIME type text/plain", MIME type text/plain)), (:rootassignee, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_run_timestamp, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:persist_js_state, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:has_pluto_hook_features, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellOutput", :objectid => "5b7305c79d4f4b3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:queued, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:running, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:published_objects, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "cd1532e09d1c277a"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:logs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "5abb5b883868785b"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:errored, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:runtime, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:cell_dependencies, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellDependencies{Cell}", :elements => Any[(:downstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "6b504e285992618b"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:upstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "81ebf22406c9aa72"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:precedence_heuristic, ("99", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellDependencies", :objectid => "f3e00075dbb56f15"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:running_disabled, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:depends_on_disabled_cells, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Cell", :objectid => "54728c472dc87f2d"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (("UUID(\"297e2ed0-0e3e-11ed-2ce5-e516119b6875\")", MIME type text/plain), (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297e2ed0-0e3e-11ed-2ce5-e516119b6875\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"x = 1\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:mime, ("MIME type text/plain", MIME type text/plain)), (:rootassignee, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_run_timestamp, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:persist_js_state, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:has_pluto_hook_features, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellOutput", :objectid => "5b7305c79d4f4b3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:queued, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:running, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:published_objects, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "ebd66308db4c147a"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:logs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "b92b75f375f638d8"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:errored, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:runtime, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:cell_dependencies, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellDependencies{Cell}", :elements => Any[(:downstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "1e665eafbfb96c47"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:upstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "bb5f3bac79ab28f6"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:precedence_heuristic, ("99", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellDependencies", :objectid => "59be7cf28fae0306"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:running_disabled, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:depends_on_disabled_cells, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Cell", :objectid => "7bd029ddfc83d502"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-3722-a31bc888229b\")", MIME type text/plain), (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-3722-a31bc888229b\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"y = x\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:mime, ("MIME type text/plain", MIME type text/plain)), (:rootassignee, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_run_timestamp, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:persist_js_state, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:has_pluto_hook_features, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellOutput", :objectid => "5b7305c79d4f4b3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:queued, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:running, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:published_objects, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "8cea6b7c9cc187e3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:logs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "e706ca12d0ff6032"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:errored, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:runtime, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:cell_dependencies, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellDependencies{Cell}", :elements => Any[(:downstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "e60bd32b4f045a9b"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:upstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "e15ec63c45af5809"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:precedence_heuristic, ("99", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellDependencies", :objectid => "8a703c4438a1ec4c"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:running_disabled, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:depends_on_disabled_cells, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Cell", :objectid => "312fefd567435b3a"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-3aaf-2dd9b80e3ad1\")", MIME type text/plain), (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-3aaf-2dd9b80e3ad1\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"f(x) = x + y\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:mime, ("MIME type text/plain", MIME type text/plain)), (:rootassignee, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_run_timestamp, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:persist_js_state, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:has_pluto_hook_features, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellOutput", :objectid => "5b7305c79d4f4b3"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:queued, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:running, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:published_objects, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "440996790b04fc1d"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:logs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "fee12ee400b42df4"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:errored, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:runtime, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:cell_dependencies, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellDependencies{Cell}", :elements => Any[(:downstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "eca76b5adc40aad2"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:upstream_cells_map, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Vector{Pluto.Cell}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "3730c6597153632e"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:precedence_heuristic, ("99", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "CellDependencies", :objectid => "44b5e5a94128dbf8"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:running_disabled, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:depends_on_disabled_cells, ("false", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Cell", :objectid => "83ad58168c3e3a5f"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "8aebf2ef387fde99"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:cell_order, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Base.UUID", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[(1, ("UUID(\"297e2ed0-0e3e-11ed-2ce5-e516119b6875\")", MIME type text/plain)), (2, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-3722-a31bc888229b\")", MIME type text/plain)), (3, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-3aaf-2dd9b80e3ad1\")", MIME type text/plain)), (4, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-10d9-918f8a9a11ce\")", MIME type text/plain)), (5, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-0650-39561e495cea\")", MIME type text/plain)), (6, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-29d3-09518b668235\")", MIME type text/plain)), (7, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-25eb-351950934271\")", MIME type text/plain)), (8, ("UUID(\"297f4040-0e3e-11ed-2628-ad5a1313cf64\")", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "5503ba1d55e8a052"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:path, ("\"C:\\\\Users\\\\family\\\\.julia\\\\pluto_notebooks\\\\Small program.jl\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:notebook_id, ("UUID(\"298840f0-0e3e-11ed-1f2d-f91be6c7828b\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:topology, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pluto.NotebookTopology", :elements => Any[(:nodes, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pluto.ImmutableDefaultDict{Pluto.Cell, Pluto.ReactiveNode}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "ImmutableDefaultDict", :objectid => "d91f1e12b85b9ec4"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:codes, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pluto.ImmutableDefaultDict{Pluto.Cell, Pluto.ExprAnalysisCache}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "ImmutableDefaultDict", :objectid => "badaca935d01da17"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:cell_order, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pluto.ImmutableVector{Pluto.Cell}: ", :elements => Any[(1, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Cell", :elements => Any[(:cell_id, ("UUID(\"297e2ed0-0e3e-11ed-2ce5-e516119b6875\")", MIME type text/plain)), (:code, ("\"x = 1\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:code_folded, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:output, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "CellOutput", :elements => Any[(:body, 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"Pluto.TopologicalOrder", :elements => Any[(:input_topology, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pluto.NotebookTopology", :elements => Any[(:nodes, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pluto.ImmutableDefaultDict{Pluto.Cell, Pluto.ReactiveNode}", :elements => Any["more"], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "ImmutableDefaultDict", :objectid => "96c5bb049cb3d00f"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:codes, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pluto.ImmutableDefaultDict{Pluto.Cell, Pluto.ExprAnalysisCache}", :elements => Any["more"], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "ImmutableDefaultDict", :objectid => "81fc80301dac473a"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:cell_order, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pluto.ImmutableVector{Pluto.Cell}: ", :elements => Any["more"], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "Pluto.ImmutableVector{Pluto.Cell}: ", :objectid => "6e7428a84c328f83"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:unresolved_cells, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => 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=> "Dict", :objectid => "f623c6ab10170933"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:extras, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Base.UUID}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "fcd8de839d813600"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:targets, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Vector{String}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "57afb931532ef5ae"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:compat, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, String}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "c685634bca01f12"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Project", :objectid => "3e2a98761e0af5fc"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:manifest, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pkg.Types.Manifest", :elements => Any[(:julia_version, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:manifest_format, ("v\"1.0.0\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:deps, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Base.UUID, Pkg.Types.PackageEntry}", :elements => Any["more"], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "7467fc2feb04933a"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:other, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "46e92d3f31a1904e"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Manifest", :objectid => "d9f893335184ff08"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:original_project, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pkg.Types.Project", :elements => Any[(:other, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "320a49cc0054c524"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:name, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:uuid, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:version, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:manifest, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:deps, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Base.UUID}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "1aaacc335195cc4f"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:extras, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Base.UUID}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "3d254e97968ad22b"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:targets, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Vector{String}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "afa35941fb86ed46"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:compat, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, String}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "650f362be65ea827"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Project", :objectid => "6f35723d543b7205"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:original_manifest, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Pkg.Types.Manifest", :elements => Any[(:julia_version, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:manifest_format, ("v\"1.0.0\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:deps, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Base.UUID, Pkg.Types.PackageEntry}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "4cf5722fb62b228f"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:other, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "5eddd42d59fe097e"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Manifest", :objectid => "9f2c84ec3e5a86c2"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:uuids, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Vector{Base.UUID}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "5d07caa8dddc0fd1"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:paths, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Base.UUID, Vector{String}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "58dd82f255877e94"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:names, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Base.UUID, Vector{String}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "e7a16043f30f3791"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "EnvCache", :objectid => "7818092211dc80ff"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:io, ("IOContext(Base.PipeEndpoint(Base.Libc.WindowsRawSocket(0xffffffffffffffff) closed, 0 bytes waiting))", MIME type text/plain)), (:use_libgit2_for_all_downloads, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:use_only_tarballs_for_downloads, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:num_concurrent_downloads, ("8", MIME type text/plain)), (:graph_verbose, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:julia_version, ("v\"1.6.3\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:status_io, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:parser, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Base.TOML.Parser", :elements => Any[(:str, ("\"\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:current_char, ("'\\xff\\xff\\xff\\xff': Malformed UTF-8 (category Ma: Malformed, bad data)", MIME type text/plain)), (:pos, ("1", MIME type text/plain)), (:prevpos, ("1", MIME type text/plain)), (:column, ("1", MIME type text/plain)), (:line, ("1", MIME type text/plain)), (:marker, ("0", MIME type text/plain)), (:active_table, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "4ab1bbcd392fc7ea"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:dotted_keys, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "String", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "51e25f21c7910ca7"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:chunks, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "UnitRange{Int64}", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "836015a52a8c76cd"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:inline_tables, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Base.IdSet{Dict{String, Any}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Set, :prefix_short => "IdSet", :objectid => "ffcd9a2828c4ef35"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:static_arrays, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Base.IdSet{Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Set, :prefix_short => "IdSet", :objectid => "c12d1b7cab83f183"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:defined_tables, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Base.IdSet{Dict{String, Any}}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Set, :prefix_short => "IdSet", :objectid => "3219feeb8d5db6bb"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:root, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, Any}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "4ab1bbcd392fc7ea"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:filepath, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:Dates, ("Dates", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Parser", :objectid => "8a38ed5cbc6f4f0c"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :type => :struct, :prefix_short => "Context", :objectid => "6307c75b69dbd8a6"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:nbpkg_ctx_instantiated, ("true", MIME type text/plain)), (:nbpkg_restart_recommended_msg, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:nbpkg_restart_required_msg, ("nothing", MIME type text/plain)), (:nbpkg_terminal_outputs, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, String}", :elements => Any[(("\"Distributed\"", MIME type text/plain), ("\"\\e[32m\\e[1m  No Changes\\e[22m\\e[39m to `C:\\\\Users\\\\family\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\jl_FADDmD\\\\Project.toml`\\n\\e[32m\\e[1m  No Changes\\e[22m\\e[39m to `C:\\\\Users\\\\family\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\jl_FADDmD\\\\Manifest.toml`\\n\\e[32m\\e[1mLoading\\e[22m\\e[39m packages...\\n\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "4b6025649c4557a0"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:nbpkg_busy_packages, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "String", :elements => Tuple{Int64, Any}[], :type => :Array, :prefix_short => "", :objectid => "c965e775902cd86c"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:nbpkg_installed_versions_cache, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{String, String}", :elements => Any[(("\"Distributed\"", MIME type text/plain), ("\"stdlib\"", MIME type text/plain))], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "55b68b00817d514"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object)), (:process_status, ("\"ready\"", MIME type text/plain)), (:wants_to_interrupt, ("false", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_save_time, ("1.658989566938e9", MIME type text/plain)), (:last_hot_reload_time, ("0.0", MIME type text/plain)), (:bonds, (Dict{Symbol, Any}(:prefix => "Dict{Symbol, Pluto.BondValue}", :elements => Any[], :type => :Dict, :prefix_short => "Dict", :objectid => "4c345fae9c8ecfd8"), MIME type application/vnd.pluto.tree+object))], :struct, "Notebook", "53b544a4c2915b19"]
@test nb.cells[4].output.body == "5"

executecode(nb::Notebook)–> This function does the following

  • Take a notebook.
  • Create a fake server, fake client etc.
  • Run the notebook cell by cell and update the notebook with the output.
